7.6 C
miércoles, 22 enero 2025

El spam nuestro de cada día

Ocio y culturaEl spam nuestro de cada día

Todo esto que ves aquí son los mensajes de spam que recibí ayer en la bandeja de entrada de mi cuenta de correo electrónico. Como ves hoy ha entrado uno en español en el que me avisan de que tengo un procedimiento legal en marcha al que debo acudir como testigo en México. Por lo demás, el negocio del spam sigue como todos los días.

Neurologist: 1-word test predicts dementia in 10 seconds Experiencing «senior moments»?

If you’re experiencing ‘senior moments’ like forgetting names or losing your keys…
Then it’s likely because brain cells in your memory center SHRINK with age.
When this happens, your mind begins to betray you.

1. Words get stuck on the tip of your tongue…
2. You forget why you walked into a room…
3. And eventually, you may even forget who your spouse or children are.
But there’s good news…
>> Click here now for more details.
In a clinical study published in Nature, scientists discovered a 7-second morning ritual that REGROWS youthful brain cells.
Turning a fuzzy memory into crystal-clear recall like you’re in your 20’s again.
Get the details here:
>> Regrows youthful brain cells in 7 sec (32,477+ seniors swear by it)
Alzheimer’s brain

3000-day NASA study unlocks ancient brain power

You could have genius powers right now…
In fact, a 3000-day NASA study found that there’s a cashew-sized gland sitting in your brain right now..
And if this gland was just activated…
You’d get all of your God-given genius powers IMMEDIATELY.
Thing is though…
Modern life switches this “genius gland” to OFF..
Robbing you of the lifestyle and power that should be yours..
But a recent study left NASA scientists stunned..
They were studying Thomas Edison..
And buried deep in his documents was the answer they’d been searching for..
It’s a 7-Second Brain Trick that immediately re-activates this “genius gland” sitting in your brain right now..
Edison never told a soul about it, however..
Users today started reporting lucky things happening to them almost immediately..
They’re getting money they never expected, finding love after heartbreak and remembering things they thought they’d forgotten forever..
You’ve never seen anything like this 7-Second Brain Trick, and I think you’ll love it because you can do it at-home today..
Activate the “cashew” gland to unlock your brain power and manifest everything you’ve ever wanted (7-second brain trick)

My joint pain DISAPPEARED overnight with this “Holy Oil”

Hey ,
If you’re tired of waking up in unbearable pain, you won’t want to miss this:
There’s a common household oil that researchers now know brings total healing to aching joints…
While you’re sleeping!
But here’s the best part…
I’m certain it’s already in your pantry right now!
They’re calling this “holy oil” the greatest breakthrough in pain relief!
It’s a total miracle that helps you:
Never have stiff muscles in the morning
Get rid of all inflammation in your body
Eliminate cramping in your hands and feet
18,973 people have used this “pure holy oil” to end YEARS of muscle pain…
And it really works 100% of the time…
EVEN if you have arthritis.
So no matter how long you’ve suffered, you can click the link below to end your pain…
>> Here’s the oil that ⛔STOPS⛔ your joint pain overnight

Rediscover the Magic

Why Countless Elderly Americans Read Anywhere, Anytime with Confidence?
Hilipert Intelligent Reading Glasses

Urgent news about Metformin

A shocking discovery by a Texas doctor reveals why Metformin makes you sick.
Doctors are urging every American with diabetes to watch this trending news story:
=> Watch the news story here
o your health,

Common Brain Nutrient Linked To Complete Memory Shutdown

Alzheimers’ researchers just found out an unexpected cause of memory loss:
It turns out if you lack this crucial brain nutrient, your neurons start to break down one by one…
Making you unable to perform simple things like how to tie your shoes or dress yourself.
Brain experts urge every man and woman over the age of 40 to take action immediately and add this ingredient to their diet to boost their brain power by 137%…
Visit the link below to find out all about it:
Are you lacking the crucial brain nutrient?

INFORME POLICIAL EMITIDO (ultima advertencia)

De conformidad con el art. 455, § 1 del Código de Procedimiento Civil
se hace presente al ÍNTIMO
Su Señoría comparezca, como testigo, en la audiencia que se celebrará
miércoles, 17/01/2024.
Documento adjunto referente al trámite
CITACIÓN ADJUNTA Nº 50824559789200 [1]
Titular: Lic. Dr. Delio Dante López Medrano
Fiscalia General de la Republica
Copyright (c) 2023, Todos los derechos reservados.

Kiss goodbye to your aging vision with THIS

Two Nobel Prize winners have discovered how to have PERFECT 20/20 vision.
In a way, their research actually helps you “reverse aging.”
Because not only will your eyes be restored to 20/20 vision…
You can also look and feel a whole lot younger, too.
>> Use this to reverse ageing (all natural)
You can get this mysterious transformation to the healing properties of adult repair stem cells.
And no, this has NOTHING to do with embryos, unborn babies, or anything like that…
These adult repair stem cells are already in your body. They just need to be awakened.
When it comes to declining vision, awakening these cells is truly the silver bullet.
>> Discover how to awaken your adult repair stem cells to have 20/20 vision
Andrew Garfield

Regrow cartilage by 51% in days…

Have you seen this?
THIS harmless joint «acid» reduces pain by 75%!
But that’s not all…
Researchers say it’s also proven to rebuild your cartilage by up to 51% in a matter of days.
So why does this matter?
When you use this “harmless acid” consistently you can:
Be the favorite grandparent again
Spend the entire day gardening without regretting it tomorrow
And sleep through the night without an ounce of pain
Sounds too good to be true?
I thought so too.
Until I saw it in action.
>> Check out how THIS joint «acid» helps reduces pain by 75%

FORGET Botox: 13 days → Wrinkles: GONE

Hey ,
This new skin-care routine made headlines!
This secret routine is making women everywhere look 20 years younger…
WITHOUT injections or surgery
This groundbreaking «skin booster» costs just 22 cents.
It was developed by a renowned Hollywood dermatologist in the past 40 days…
It’s being embraced by numerous celebrities because it’s proven to:
✅ Revitalize aging skin cells
✅ Fade wrinkles & age spots
✅ Turn back 17 years of aging in just 13 days
Plus, there’s no need for needles:
Check it out here:
Hollywood’s «skin booster» WIPES AWAY 17 years of wrinkles in only 13 days.

The Best Gadget Deal of 2022

Horizonscope Monoculars
Better Than Any $3000 Telescope
HorizonScope Monocular. Even the coolest gadgets of 2023 say this gadget is cooler:) It’s a pocket sized monocular (mini telescope) that offers you comparable picture quality as full-sized telescopes that run $3000 or more and they fit in the palm of your hand!
The trusty staff at Curious Finds does nothing but find cool, unique gadgets and gizmos for our readers. This year has been a very good year for our team of searchers, inventors, research and development and more. At the top of our list are the Horizon Scope monoculars. Why? You essentially get a $3000 quality telescope for 97% less AND it fits in the palm of your hand. It’s insane!
The coolest portable gizmo ever! You need to see it to believe it. PLUS, it’s on sale for up to 60% off through the holidays just for our readers. This can’t get get any better for you. It’s the perfect gift for your loved ones or even a little splurge on yourself. So what are you waiting for?
Click here now and get yours before supplies run out.

It is proven to end your pain in 18 seconds or less

Hey dear,
Inflammation is the culprit that causes pain, right? WRONG.
New research from the Lawson Institute reveals that pain starts because your cells are starving to death.
But here’s the good news:
There’s a new breakthrough at-home therapy that gives pain-relief in as little as 18 seconds.
(Has nothing to do with exercising, dieting and involves ZERO pills or supplements).
Even if you have bone-on-bone joints or searing nerve pain…
SIX different clinical trials show it has a 100% success rate for pain-relief.
That’s not one, or two… But SIX studies.
What’s more, users report as much as a 70% reduction in pain…
Best of all, it costs pennies to try!
⇒ Eliminate pain by trying this at-home therapy treatment (it costs pennies)

This made me cry…

When I heard this, I broke down and cried…
Never knew a sound could pierce my soul this way.
If there’s a song of angels out there, this is it.
It made me understand deep in my core…
How much more growth awaited me in life…
And suddenly, I knew exactly what I had to do.
This insane clarity came from just a few seconds of listening to it.
That was all I could take.
Now I want you to try this too.
Because I know firsthand just how powerful it is.
In fact, it’s worked for everyone I know who tried it.
And as far as I know, there is nothing out there that even comes close to it.
I know exactly how it’s transformed my life.
Are you ready for what it will do for yours?
Listen to the song of angels here

This Quick Morning Habit Got a 97-year-old Rock Hard in Minutes

This isn’t supposed to happen…
When men get really old, their stiffies are supposed to go the way of the Dodo, or at least that’s what I always thought.
But this 97-year-old had other ideas…
He was one of the first people to try a morning ritual that’s currently making the rounds on the Internet.
And these were the results:
If it wasn’t too late for him, it’s definitely not too late for you.
In fact, during the time it took you to read this e-mail, another 429 men have just said goodbye to ED forever…
Using a foolproof method that anyone can have access to in minutes.
One that works directly on your penile muscles regardless of age or medical condition.
==> Don’t Be a Victim of ED – Let Your Johnson Do The Talking Using THIS Method

This 2 minute movement gives you a pain-free back

There was a time in my youth when I felt immortal.
Maybe like you, I felt like I could conquer the world.
Every day I’d wake up, bursting with energy. Feeling unstoppable.
I’d go out and exercise full out. Or put in a long day at work. Or go on a weekend adventure with friends to the mountains.
And at the end of the day? I’d still feel REALLY good.
Until one day, it happened.
I was getting out of the car and for some reason, I twisted my back.
It immediately seized up. Hunched over with my hand on my hip, my muscles spasmed as if to protect it.
The pain was sharp. Deep. Crippling.
That was a day I’ll never forget. That was the day I realized… I was human.
Ever since that fateful day, every so often out of the blue, I’ll tweak my back again and relive that fateful day as well as the weeks afterward, nursing it back to health. Until recently.
While I was experiencing my most recent painful bout, one of my friends took pity and shared with me a wonderful natural method that not only relieves back pain in less than 20 minutes (and it’s highly likely you’ll NEVER have to deal with the pain again.)
All I can say is I wish I’d known about this method sooner. But I thank my lucky stars I found it when I did.
To your health,
-John J. Riggio

2 drops. 54 seconds. No pain.

Hey ,
You gotta see this.
At 61-years-old, Frank thought he was doomed to awful back pain and arthritis in his
joints for the rest of his life…
He tried almost everything to get rid of the pain…
Cortisone injections…
Back surgery that made it worse
And spent over $16,565 of his family’s savings on medical and chiropractor bills.
His biggest fear was needing a wheelchair and eventually being thrown away into a
nursing home by his children.
Today at 64…
He’s in the best shape of his life.
His knees and back are no longer stiff as they were before…
He has more energy…
And sleeps through the night without waking up in pain.
You might think his results are special…
Truth is..
He’s no different than you and me.
You can do this too. Click below to find out how:
>> 5-sec Hack Erases Pain IMMEDIATELY

100% natural way to have perfect 20/20 vision

No matter how frustrated you are with your vision…
And no matter whether you’re wearing glasses…
There’s a 100% natural way to achieve perfect 20/20 vision.
In fact, it’s already being used by 110,000 men and women all across the U.S.
People who’ve struggled with their sight all their life…
Are now seeing better than army snipers.
And the best part?
This 100% natural way is backed by research from two Nobel Prize winners.
Watch this short video presentation to find out what it is:
>> 100% natural way to perfect 20/20 vision
P.S. I’m not sure how long I can hold the video as it’s costing some companies millions of dollars each day it’s online…
So hurry up and watch it while it’s still available:
>> 100% natural way to have perfect 20/20 vision

Uncontrollable lust for you… even if she hates you?

Hi there,
The long-awaited, all-natural fix for «going soft» in bed has finally been discovered…
I could barely believe it myself, until I watched this eye-opening video:
click here
I must urge you to click that link and watch it NOW, becausethat website could be GONE from the internet tomorrow…for reasons you’ll soon understand…
(Let’s just say the $4.9 billion pharmaceutical industry doesNOT want this secret going public, because it could WRECK their profits…)
You’ll discover the REAL reason you can’t get wood, and keep it up, the way you used to (it’s not what you think…)
And in just a moment, you’ll know how to instantly and permanently “reverse” your situation so that you can achieve bulging, rock-hardboners on command, without pills, pumps or injections.
To discover this all-natural, 30 second method — and give your lover INTENSE pleasure like she has never experienced, round after round, go here now:
To reclaiming your manhood, click here

The Wand Purifies Any Wine In Minutes and Makes Wine Taste Better

Drink wine without the headaches
Finally, Start Enjoying Wine Again Without The Nasty Side Effects
If you suffer from wine-related side effects like headaches, congestion, face flush, upset stomach or hangovers… then The Wand wine purifier is for you!
The Wand Purifies Any Wine In Minutes
Drink wine without the headaches

Unlock the Power Within: Your Midas Manifestation Journey Begins!

Hello Dear,
We hope this message finds you in great spirits. At Midas Manifestation, we believe in the transformative powe within each individual to shape their destiny. Today, we invite you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and manifest the life you’ve always dreamed of.
Our Midas Manifestation program is designed to unlock your hidden potential, guiding you through a path of abundance,prosperity, and fulfillment. Imagine creating the reality you desire, effortlessly attracting positivity and success into your life.
Key Features of Midas Manifestation:
– Manifestation Meditation: Elevate your consciousness and align your thoughts with your goals through our guided meditation sessions.
– Law of Attraction Techniques: Learn powerful techniques to harness the Law of Attraction,
turning your dreams into tangible realities.
– Positive Energy Activation: Immerse yourself in positive energy and let go of limiting
beliefs that may be holding you back.
– Abundance Affirmations: Transform your mindset with daily affirmations that reinforce
a mindset of abundance and prosperity.
– Personalized Manifestation Plan: Tailored guidance to help you create a personalized manifestation plan that suits your unique aspirations.
Ready to unlock the Midas touch within you? Start your manifestation journey today by visiting our website. As a special welcome gift, we’re offering an exclusive 15% discount on your first enrollment.Use code «MANIFEST15» at checkout.
Your success story begins with a single step.
Here’s to manifesting the life you deserve!
Best regards,
Midas Manifestation Team

Odd Blue Tonic Erases Belly Fat

This simple night time weight loss hack was tested with a group of volunteers all suffering from varying levels of obesity
After ninety days the results were more incredible than anyone could have ever imagined…
On average they lost 63 pounds of fat…
They experienced increased energy…
Better mood…
Enhanced sex drive and performance…
Several of them could even see their abs for the first time ever…
This simple night time hack had actually worked on everyone!
Regardless of how much they had to lose… Their metabolism… Their genetics… or their age.
==> Click Here To Learn More
P.S This presentation may not be up for long so make sure to check it out before it’s removed.

Unleash Your Creativity with Our New Container Home Building Guide!

We hope this message finds you well and filled with excitement for new possibilities!
Introducing our latest guide: «NEW: Build A Container Home» – your ultimate resource for
unlocking the potential of container living. Whether you’re dreaming of a unique tiny home,
a modern office space, or an eco-friendly retreat, our guide has everything you need to
turn your vision into reality.
What Makes Our Guide Special:
– Comprehensive Step-by-Step Plans: Easy-to-follow blueprints for building your container home, ensuring a smooth and stress-free construction process.
– Cost-Effective Solutions: Discover budget-friendly tips and tricks to make your container
home project affordable without compromising quality.
– Creative Design Ideas: From minimalist chic to cozy comfort, explore a variety of design
inspirations that suit your style and preferences.
– Green Living Strategies: Learn how container homes contribute to sustainable living and
discover eco-friendly practices for your project.
– Safety and Regulations: Navigate building codes and safety measures confidently
with expert insights and guidance.
Ready to embark on this exciting journey? Order your copy of «NEW: Build A Container Home» now and receive exclusive bonuses for a limited time!
[Order Now]
As a special launch offer, we’re providing a Massive discount on your purchase.
If you have any questions or need assistance, our team is here to help. Reply to this email,
and let’s make your container home dream a reality!
Here’s to creating a home as unique as you are!
Best regards,
Paul N. Buchanan

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